Youth Action Diversity Trust

YADT Handling Anger Behavioural Support
Feeling angry is part of being human. It is a natural response to being attacked, insulted, deceived, disappointed or frustrated. It is OK to feel angry (everyone does at times) and anger can be useful when we know how to manage it well. But it can also be frightening. Anger becomes a problem when it harms you or the people around you and can cause depression, anxiety, sleep problems and eating disorders.
Our Handling Anger Support Service is for young people aged 5 to 17 years and is delivered as one-to-one behaviour support or family support sessions.
The one-to-one support service give young people the freedom and safety to explore their own anger management on a more personal level. After an initial assessment has been made, regular one-to-one support session s will take place. We charge £40 per session for this behavioural support and all our meetings take place at the North Cray Neighbourhood Centre.
The family support sessions give families the space and opportunity to discuss and resolve anger management issues affecting them in a non-judgemental environment. Together families can work towards finding common ground and develop strategies to reduce family conflicts. We charge £40 per session for this behavioural support and all meetings take place at the North Cray Neighbourhood Centre which is neutral ground for most families.
If you need help to understand and mange your anger, contact us at today!